Self-Help Organization
Macau Deaf Association (MDA) was founded by Father Axelrod Cyril on August 3, 1994. It is a self-help organization composed of a group of deaf or hard of hearing people and their families. In order to facilitate the deaf and hard of hearing people to participate in and contribute to the society, and establish a platform to “Help Oneself, Help Others”, we strive for the promotion of rehabilitation services, hearing accessibility and community inclusion services, and collaborate with the deaf and hard of hearing people to overcome barriers and difficulties. MDA has established the “Educational Centre for the Hearing Loss Children” and the “Service Centre for the Deaf” successively. By 2012, MDA has carried out various projects including “World Federation of the Deaf Regional Secretariat for Asia”, “Hearing and Speech with Love and Care Project”; and projects about sign language, early intervention and hearing assistive devices, etc., which in line with our policy in the development of Deaf affairs and professional services.
一. 致力為聾人及聽障人士提供教育、輔導、職業指導、聽覺復康、體育及娛樂等服務;
二. 促進本澳聾人及聽障人士及其家庭與有關機構的聯繫,並為聾人及聽障人士謀求合理的權益及福利;
三. 提高社會對聾人及聽障人士的關注及支持,並加強市民對聾人及聽障人士的認識及瞭解;
四. 與本地及國際組織建立聯繫,以交換訊息及促進有助於聾人及聽障人士福祉的工作;
五. 提供及推展貫徹本會宗旨及目標的各項服務及活動。
1. Endeavor to provide education, counseling, job guidance, hearing medical services, sports and entertainments for deaf people and the hard of hearing;
2.Promote connection between the relevant organizations, deaf people, the hard of hearing and their families; and to pursue the rights and benefits of deaf people;
3. Increase the general public’s concern and support, and enhance their knowledge and understanding to the Deaf and the hard of hearing;
4. Establish contact with the local and the international organizations for information exchange and for the promotion of the well-being of deaf people and the hard of hearing;
5. Provide and promote services and activities in line with our objectives and aims.
職 位 | 姓 名 |
主 席 | 劉玉英 |
第一秘書 | 何頴恩 |
第二秘書 | 梁堅興 |
職 位 | 姓 名 |
主 席 | 潘慧芬 |
第一秘書 | 尹輝明 |
第二秘書 | 李麗萍 |
職 位 | 姓 名 |
理 事 長 | 黃鑒旋 |
副理事長 | 區志新 |
副理事長 | 林曉敏 |
秘 書 | 陳月媚 |
司 庫 | 勞永鏗 |